Thomas Burnyeat
Head Coach
Thomas is FPSC's head coach. He began skiing with the club back at the very beginning - back when we were known as Freestyle Panorama! He was drawn to mogul skiing after watching the 2010 Vancouver Olympics Moguls finals in Pano's own Great Hall.
After many years with FPSC, Thomas joined the AB Mogul team where he trained and competed around the world for three years. Eventually injury forced his retirement, but while he was a member of the AB team, he had the privilege of being coached by all three talented Kober boys.
One of Thomas' goals is to recreate the positive and productive skiing environment the Kobers created for him and to mix in some of the ingredients for forming the great memories he has from his days skiing as a grom at Pano. He also aims to introduce his athletes to high performance techniques while keeping the environment safe, exciting and FUN!!